Yesterday Miranda turned 15. For some reason this was hard for me. I am not the Mom who cries every time my child passes a milestone. Oh, I always have that bitter-sweet feeling, but for the most part I am excited for them to move on to the next stage. This time however, I was very, very, very sad. All day I was thinking things like:
On Friday, she's going to have her driver's permit.
If I'm 34 and she's 15, I've had her in my life for almost half of it! How is that possible?
In one year she'll have her licence.
In three years she'll be 18! An adult!
The first 15 years went so fast what will the next 15 bring? Graduation! College! Weddings?
I don't want anyone to worry, today I have my head back on. I AM excited for these new stages. Seriously, I'm never driving again - I hate to drive! Miranda is growing into this strong independent woman, who is going to go so far in life. She is everything I hoped she would be and more.
I just needed one day to cry for my baby girl.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
15 Years Old!
Posted by Jackie Boettcher at 7:58 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
It Really Doesn't Have To Be First Place
Friday was track and field day at school. I knew about this at the beginning of the school year and with several reminders from James, I took the day off to watch. Dover - Eyota is getting so big(100+ children per class) that they could only choose three events. A couple days before, James tells me that he chose: the high jump, the long jump, and the softball throw. Now... not that I am not enthusiastic about whatever he decides, this is not what I was expecting. I thought that I would be sitting in my chair, chatting with the moms and watching James run a couple races. Nope. It turns out that they do the high jump during class to save time, so he only participated in two events that day. I stood in line with him for 20 minutes for the softball throw and....yep, he went ahead and threw it. Then we went and stood in line for the long jump, not quite as long but long enough for me to get antsy. They may need to rethink this track and field thing. To me, it looked like there were way more kids doing the field thing than the track thing. Anyway, James gets to the front of the line and runs down and ....jumps! I was rather impressed! It was an eight foot jump so he ended up tying for 5th place. Fifth place gets a ribbon so his world was complete. He lovingly held that ribbon all the way home with a huge smile on his face. I may have taken a whole day off to see him participate in Track and Field for a total of 58 seconds, but it was worth it!
Waiting in line.
Waiting in line.
Posted by Jackie Boettcher at 9:16 PM 2 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Presents From God
Last summer, James was in the front yard dribbling his soccer ball around and practicing his "moves". He stopped and looked up at us and said, "I have lots of presents." Being quite a few months from his birthday and even longer from Christmas - we weren't sure what he meant. "You know, soccer and video games." I realized that he meant "gift". I have said on many occasions, "James, you truly have a gift" when he tells me how far he got in a video game or when he's playing soccer. (Seriously, I don't know how many games he has finished, when I can't even get my guy to throw the damn ball - I hate video games). We told him that he has many gifts and will receive many, many more in his lifetime.
Last night, we were in the car (as we always are) and James brought it up again, "Soccer is one of my presents."
"Gift, buddy."
"Gifts - presents whatever, they mean the same thing."
He was quiet for a while, and said, "I'm your present from God - right mom?"
I told him he was absolutely right!
Posted by Jackie Boettcher at 6:13 AM 2 comments
Thursday, May 15, 2008
I am always saying that we are so busy. And we are - but ESPECIALLY in the spring. It goes past busy into almost physically impossibe to manage. I have to tell myself, "Ok, this is the fun stuff, no complaining!" I just figured out that I drove 787 miles in one week - that's not counting the drive to work and back. Here are pictures of Miranda at a tournament and James at practice.
Working hard behind the plate.
Throwing down to second - she was out!
Shooting! James' favorite part of the game, when asked why, he says that he feels "cool". Well I have to agree - he looks cool!
Playing the game he loves!
Sometimes I am so amazed by these kids! How did I get so lucky?Posted by Jackie Boettcher at 9:11 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Morning Chaos
I watch commercials on TV with families eating breakfast, smiling at each other, grabbing backpacks yelling "Love you Mom!" as they run out the door. The Mom stands at the table with a smile on her face that tells us all is well.
This portrait of morning routines has never happened at my house. This morning was one of the worst. James actually got up early. (A good start!) He dragged his feet and wouldn't get moving. Ten times I had to tell him to get dressed. Finally he snapped and yelled at the top of his lungs, "I AM! STOP TELLING ME THAT!" I came around the corner, and he said, "Sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry." A mini lecture about respect and how we talk to our parents followed.
Meanwhile, Miranda has changed 5 times, getting all pouty and pissy and asking where her soccer sweatshirt is. A mini lecture about how it's not Mom's job to take care of a 14 year old girls sweatshirt followed.
James is ready, standing in the living room watching TV. He had his coat, hat, mittens and backpack on. I asked if he brushed his teeth - he growled at me and stomped off. I let him go yelling about how I shouldn't have to tell a 10 year old to brush his teeth.
Miranda is still pouting, she told me that James is going to miss the bus. I tell her that if he does we will deal with it, she needs to worry about herself. More pouting and stomping off.
This puts me over the edge and start yelling, Things like:
"You two are old enough to get ready for school without pouting like 2 year olds. "
"I'm sick and tired of doing this every morning, I think maybe I'll cancel cable until you can take care of all your responsibilities. (What?) This sends both into tears.
And my absolute favorite, "I am not your maid!"
They both have tears in their eyes when they went out to the bus. I felt terrible. I told them I loved them and to have a good day. Miranda wouldn't look at me as she said, love you and James said a very sad "ok".
A few minutes later I get a text from Miranda saying sorry about this morning that she loves me and that I should have a good day. I send her one back and marvel about what a mature girl she is.
I get one more text that says James is sorry too. I send another one back to James telling him that i love him.
All is well.
Posted by Jackie Boettcher at 8:48 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sibling Rivalry
I always knew I wanted two children. I dreamed of two kids, the best of friends, telling each other secrets, laughing and giggling. (Just like me my sister!) I was blessed with two beautiful children, who light up my life every day.
Now... the best of friends they are not. They both know exactly what to do and say to drive the other up the wall! James shows off when Miranda's friends are over. He runs around the house yelling, "MIRAN - DUH!" He digs through her stuff, tells on her, tries to get her in trouble, you know - normal little brother behavior.
Miranda will "boss" James around, try to discipline him, and the absolute worst thing: "How come Miranda always gets to: (fill in the blank). " It's tough being the little one sometimes.They do love each other very much. They support each other, are proud of each other, and every once in a while, have fun together. One night, after a basketball game, they were all wound up and started wrestling. I of course started yelling things like: Someone is going to get hurt! Be careful! OK enough! I eventually gave up and went and got my camera. Mike and I watched and laughed for about 20 minutes while they were laughing and giggling and genuinely enjoying each other.
Ok so maybe the secrets will come later.Posted by Jackie Boettcher at 6:38 AM 2 comments