Wednesday, December 12, 2007

One month and 23 days later...

Yep, I counted. I would like to say we've been busy, but really when aren't we? To be honest, I just haven't posted. So there.

Things have been busy, the kids finished up their 1st quarter at school and both did very well. Miranda was on the B honor roll and James was thrilled with the letter grades on his report card for the first time. He ended up with 4 B's and a C+. Yea James!!

Both kids are in basketball right now and are loving it. James has practice on Saturdays and Miranda is going every day of the week. Sometimes just for fun the schedule ends up like this: James: 8:00am - 9:30am in Eyota; Miranda: 7:00am bus time in Eyota, 8:00am game time in Stewartville. No worries, Supermom makes these things happen with the flurry of calls and carpool swaps.

Miranda made her 1st three pointer in a game last night. She makes them all the time outside and in practice, but in a game - it's another thing entirely!

James has a demonstration speech due on Friday. I remember Miranda doing it, and thinking she's getting so old. All I can think about James is, "Isn't he a little young to be doing this?" He is going to demo, "How to make a milkshake." He practiced last night and I think it's going to be great. Of course, we are going to practice tonight and tomorrow - yum!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ah, Vacation Daze

How great was MEA? A four day weekend with nothing to do! When they were little, I had to plan events and possibly take time off work for daycare reasons. My kids are older now and are planning their weekends with a flourish!

Miranda and her 6 friends planned a whole day consisting with an afternoon at the mall then to see a movie, after that a sleepover at Alyssa's house. All this was planned with the hum of cell phones to parents and aunts coordinating rides and permission with all the parents. I think I speak for all the Moms that it was less overwhelming and easier when we did all the planning. However, Miranda and the girls are very responsible and they had a great time.

With Miranda gone James and Kaleb had no choice but to go to the Boys and Girls club. He was a little sad, but Mr. Easy-Going went along with it. He had a great time and came home and said, "Holy cow Mom, some dude got his head cracked by a pool ball." Apparently this was the highlight of the day. Mike said, "Holy cow James, watch your back and duck!" After we picked them up, the boys talked me into a sleepover, and they stayed up until who knows when playing Playstation. Good Times!

Mike and Jackie went to work.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Important Things About High School

I went to conferences Tuesday and Miranda is doing very well in all her classes. Four A's and a B. However, we all know that these things are not important, Homecoming week is. Wednesday was Color War day, and the Freshman were wearing orange. Powderpuff Football is a great honor but Miranda did not play because of her knee. This did not stop her from getting into the spirit, or wanting the $10 for the t-shirt. (See previous post)

And of course, James needed his picture taken too -

Thursday, September 20, 2007

$93.70 and a couple 'a quarters

I am always astounded by the cash that I walk out with after work. I love that part of my job. (Who wouldn't). However, there are 3 people that I live with that enjoy it too.

Miranda informs me that she needs lunch money. At the rate that my two children go through the money in their lunch accounts, I am positive that I could feed a third world country for a month. Unbelievable. $52.00 - twenty five for each of them with a $2.00 convenience fee. Convenient for who, I ask you?

James is in the 4th grade and has come home with the paper that I have been dreading. The recorder. I have to pay $2.50 for a torture device. Mike asked if Miranda still had hers and of course she does - why wouldn't she? James is adamant about NOT using his sisters and really, I'm fine with that. Mike thinks this is ridiculous. Whatever. I dig out the $2.50 and sign the sheet and realize that Mrs. McDonald is "Strongly recommending the safety strap". Why in the HELL do you need a safety strap to play a recorder? Mike says it's so the parents won't go over and grab the recorder and throw it out the window. The child will be stuck to it so "That would really slow ya down." Nice. $1.20 for the Safety Strap.

Soccer pictures are today, I ordered the "Star player" package. Plenty of wallets for my ginormous family. Buttons for mom and dad. Buddy pics with cousin Katie. $38.00.

On the way out the door James asked for a couple 'a quarters. What for? "Oh, I don't know".

Absolutely not.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sweet Baby James

James is going to be 10 in a few weeks. It's hard to believe sometimes, but he is showing me all the time that he really is a pre-teen boy. He is doing his homework without being asked. He is growing his hair out (and taking care of it) so he will look "cool". He gets up in the morning without any whining. Basically, he is becoming more independent every day.

Last night, when I was tucking him in and talking, he snuggled up to his beloved "Michael" (a stuffed black bear that he still sleeps with) and asked, "Mama - will you sing me a song?" He fell asleep while I was singing all his old favorites (James Taylor is high on his list). Watching him breathe in and out I could still see that baby I rocked not too long ago. Maybe he knew I needed a glimpse of that Sweet Baby James.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Why Boettcher Daze?

I told my family that I was going to start this blog and asked, "What should we call it?"

Mike: Can you make Boettcher look like the Sopranos?
(I'm not sure why we need the R to look like a gun, although some days I'm glad we don't own one)

Jackie: How about "The Boettcher Follies?"
(This was vetoed right away - understandably)

Jackie: "This is based on a true story?"

Mike: Ooh - we could post them all like a CSI episode.
(Mike may watch too much TV)

Mike: "Boettcherass!"

Jackie: Giggle, Giggle

Jackie: "Days of Our Lives?"

Mike: Is Days spelled with a z?

Jackie: Giggle, Giggle

Mike: "Dazed and Confused."

So there you have it - "Boettcher Daze"