Friday, October 19, 2007

Ah, Vacation Daze

How great was MEA? A four day weekend with nothing to do! When they were little, I had to plan events and possibly take time off work for daycare reasons. My kids are older now and are planning their weekends with a flourish!

Miranda and her 6 friends planned a whole day consisting with an afternoon at the mall then to see a movie, after that a sleepover at Alyssa's house. All this was planned with the hum of cell phones to parents and aunts coordinating rides and permission with all the parents. I think I speak for all the Moms that it was less overwhelming and easier when we did all the planning. However, Miranda and the girls are very responsible and they had a great time.

With Miranda gone James and Kaleb had no choice but to go to the Boys and Girls club. He was a little sad, but Mr. Easy-Going went along with it. He had a great time and came home and said, "Holy cow Mom, some dude got his head cracked by a pool ball." Apparently this was the highlight of the day. Mike said, "Holy cow James, watch your back and duck!" After we picked them up, the boys talked me into a sleepover, and they stayed up until who knows when playing Playstation. Good Times!

Mike and Jackie went to work.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Important Things About High School

I went to conferences Tuesday and Miranda is doing very well in all her classes. Four A's and a B. However, we all know that these things are not important, Homecoming week is. Wednesday was Color War day, and the Freshman were wearing orange. Powderpuff Football is a great honor but Miranda did not play because of her knee. This did not stop her from getting into the spirit, or wanting the $10 for the t-shirt. (See previous post)

And of course, James needed his picture taken too -