Friday was track and field day at school. I knew about this at the beginning of the school year and with several reminders from James, I took the day off to watch. Dover - Eyota is getting so big(100+ children per class) that they could only choose three events. A couple days before, James tells me that he chose: the high jump, the long jump, and the softball throw. Now... not that I am not enthusiastic about whatever he decides, this is not what I was expecting. I thought that I would be sitting in my chair, chatting with the moms and watching James run a couple races. Nope. It turns out that they do the high jump during class to save time, so he only participated in two events that day. I stood in line with him for 20 minutes for the softball throw and....yep, he went ahead and threw it. Then we went and stood in line for the long jump, not quite as long but long enough for me to get antsy. They may need to rethink this track and field thing. To me, it looked like there were way more kids doing the field thing than the track thing. Anyway, James gets to the front of the line and runs down and ....jumps! I was rather impressed! It was an eight foot jump so he ended up tying for 5th place. Fifth place gets a ribbon so his world was complete. He lovingly held that ribbon all the way home with a huge smile on his face. I may have taken a whole day off to see him participate in Track and Field for a total of 58 seconds, but it was worth it!
Waiting in line.
Waiting in line.