Sunday, September 16, 2007

Why Boettcher Daze?

I told my family that I was going to start this blog and asked, "What should we call it?"

Mike: Can you make Boettcher look like the Sopranos?
(I'm not sure why we need the R to look like a gun, although some days I'm glad we don't own one)

Jackie: How about "The Boettcher Follies?"
(This was vetoed right away - understandably)

Jackie: "This is based on a true story?"

Mike: Ooh - we could post them all like a CSI episode.
(Mike may watch too much TV)

Mike: "Boettcherass!"

Jackie: Giggle, Giggle

Jackie: "Days of Our Lives?"

Mike: Is Days spelled with a z?

Jackie: Giggle, Giggle

Mike: "Dazed and Confused."

So there you have it - "Boettcher Daze"


Emilie said...

Ha ha ha ha!! We giggled at all the same points. Especially Boettcherass.

Grandma Wilson said...

Boettcherass! How mid-western - ya, sure, you betcha! I'm thrilled the Boettchers have a blog!